Terms of Service

Welcome to PixelPerfect! By using our website and AI image editing tools, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

No Refunds Policy

All purchases made on PixelPerfect are final. Due to the digital nature of our services and the costs associated with maintaining our servers, we cannot offer refunds.

Image Quality Recommendations

For the best results, we recommend using clear images with a visible face. Our AI tools are designed to work optimally with high-quality images.

AI-Generated Content Disclaimer

While we strive to deliver the best possible results with our image editing tools, we cannot guarantee 100% accuracy in the generated images. Anomalies and unexpected results can sometimes occur.

Service Modification Rights

We reserve the right to modify or discontinue any feature of our services at any time without notice.

Acceptable Use Policy

Users are expected to use PixelPerfect's services responsibly and ethically. Any misuse of our tools for illegal or unethical purposes is strictly prohibited.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our terms, please contact us at info@pixelperfect.ink.